
Whether it is the long and not-so-lonesome highway or the bustling city streets or even a tricky-to-navigate parking lot, sideswipe accidents are quite common here in the United States. In fact, according to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) statistics, over 242,000 sideswipe accidents occur every year, causing close to 27,000 injuries and over 2,500 deaths.

Large vehicles

Large vehicles like tractor trailers, trucks, buses, RVs, commercial vans, and industrial vehicles can pose substantial risks to both the drivers/operators as well as other road users (pedestrians and vehicles). Basically, the larger the vehicle, the larger the blind spots and the bigger the risk of sideswipe accidents which can take your vehicles out of service, compromise deliveries and efficiency, and seriously injure your drivers.

Let us dive right into why sideswipe accidents for large vehicles are so dangerous and how they can lead to injuries to other road users and financial losses to the fleet owners.

The blind spot conundrum

The biggest reason for sideswipe accidents that involve tractor trailers, trucks, buses, RVs, or large agricultural vehicles is the size of these vehicles. Given the shape and size of a typical commercial tractor trailer, it is obvious that the number of blind spots is going to be significantly more than that of a small car. These “no-zones” prevent the driver from seeing what is around the vehicle. And when the driver’s visibility is compromised along the sides of the vehicle (as well as the rear end), you cannot expect them to drive with complete confidence or make smart, pre-emptive decisions.

The cost of sideswipe accidents and collisions

The stakes are high, to say the least, when it comes to sideswipe collisions. And the reason for that is the involvement of the other party in the accident, whether it is another vehicle, a pedestrian, a cyclist, or anything else.

1. The human cost is definitely the first and highest one to consider. Sideswipe accidents often lead to grave injuries or even death. Given that this is a human life (or many lives) that we are talking about, there is no way you can quantify the damage because it is both physical and emotional.

2. In case there are no fatalities, you still might have to contend with heavy medical expenses for the admission, treatment, recovery, and rehab of those involved in the unfortunate incident.

3. As a fleet operator, the immediate cost of repairs is going to the next one to consider. Whether these are repairs on your truck trailer or compensation for the other party involved, the cost is going to be variable but high.

4. Any kind of legal complications or settlements will have to be dealt with, potentially draining your precious financial resources.

5. Your fleet’s main heroes, the vehicles themselves, will need repairs and servicing, directly affecting your ability to carry out your daily business. This can impact your delivery timelines.

6. Don’t ignore the fact that insurance premiums tend to hit the roof in the event of such a collision, further messing up your finances.

7. One more cost that cannot be quantified is that of your business’ reputation. In case the said collision leads to a fatality, and it comes to the fore that your operator or driver is the one at fault, this can severely tarnish your image as a reliable service provider.

Is there a solution or a preventive measure you can take?

The short answer is yes! If you acknowledge the gravity of the situation, you must take steps to ensure that the risks and the costs arising from the aftermath of a sideswipe collision can be minimized (if not prevented).

The best solution for sideswipe accident prevention and blind spot detection, in our eyes (no pun intended), goes beyond traditional rear-view mirrors and old-school backup cameras. While these conventional accessories are a must in any vehicle, they may not provide you with a comprehensive view of the area always surrounding your large commercial vehicle.

Enter Air Vue, a state-of-the-art solution that is specifically designed to address this challenge. Empowering you to enhance fleet safety, Air Vue uses highly advanced technology that promises unrivalled visibility.

With Air Vue, you can:

  • Eliminate blind spots on large vehicles like tractor trailers, trucks, vans, or RVs
  • Get the most comprehensive, high-quality view of the surroundings in real time
  • Real-time driver behavior monitoring
  • Seamlessly integrate Air Vue with your existing fleet management system
  • Make informed decisions while driving a tractor trailer, RV, van, or bus
  • Reduce the chances of sideswipe accidents and collisions
  • Save the costs associated with these types of accidents

For a fleet owner or manager, Air Vue is more than just another multi-camera setup. It is a strategic investment that will ensure the well-being of your drivers, operators, vehicles, and others on the road. It is a must-have accessory for commercial vehicles that are large. It is the new benchmark in safety standards.

If you experience the next generation of innovative safety solutions in modern transportation, look no further. Discover the magic of Air Vue – a comprehensive wireless camera setup that promises the best-in-class interference-resistant signal strength, easy installation, advanced cameras, and more. It is not just another camera system. It is a comprehensive solution that addresses the root cause of sideswipe accidents – blind spots.

Already, reputed companies including the likes of FedEx, Cox, Culligan, and Boar’s Head trust Air Vue for its amazing capabilities. What are you waiting for? Learn more about our latest innovation – Air Vue – here.