At Any Speed: Practical Advice for Parking Lot Accidents and Damage

When you think of car accidents, you probably imagine a collision while on the road. But many minor accidents also occur in the places where you least expect them—like in the parking lot. Parking lot fender benders may typically be relatively minor, but they can still cause a lot of problems. So what should you do if you are involved in an accident or if your vehicle becomes damaged?

The Problem with Parking Lot Fender Benders

Parking lot accidents are often caused as a result of confusion. There may be pedestrians walking around or the signage may be unclear, but the fact remains that if the accident is your fault, you will have to claim on your insurance, so always drive with utmost care in parking lots (the NHTSA has some good general advice on driving safely, so check it out).

Another problem is when you return to your vehicle to find it damaged, but the offending driver has driven off without leaving any information. In this situation, you may never be able to find out who the responsible party is, and you may have to claim on your insurance if the damage is severe—and if you have suitable insurance in place.

What to Do

If you collide with a parked car and the owner is not present, do not drive away. You can either wait for them to return, or if there is a store nearby, you may want to go into it and inform the staff so that they can announce it over the loudspeaker. Otherwise, write a note with your name and number and leave it with the vehicle so they can contact you.

You may also want to read up on some general advice about what to do following an accident, and you will find a good resource here.

It is also a good idea to take some photos or videos of the scene, and to write down what happened in the moment while it is still fresh.

If it happens to you, again you will want to collect as much evidence from the scene. If the other driver is present, make sure you get all of their details. If they have gone, ask around for witnesses and take their details if they saw anything.

What You Need to Know About Insurance

If you have suitable coverage, you may well be covered for damage. But it depends on who is at fault.

If the accident is deemed to be your fault, then you will usually need collision insurance in order to get coverage for damage caused to your vehicle. This is the same in a private parking lot as it is on a public street, and the claim is usually handled the same by the insurance company.

And even though the parking lot may be private property, you may still suffer legal problems if you are found to be driving dangerously or under the influence of alcohol.

If you do not have suitable insurance, or you face legal problems, you may find yourself in serious financial problems. You could even find yourself dealing with bankruptcy, in which case your own legal assistance will usually be necessary.

Always Stay Calm

If you are involved in a collision, always stay calm and don't panic. If you panic and drive away from the scene, you could be committing a hit-and-run offence, which is incredibly serious. Parking lot accidents are quite common, so always be aware that they can happen to you, and make sure you remain calm and collected so that you can deal with the situation appropriately.

Kai Kelly works for an auto insurance company in the claims department. She writes about avoiding, and also dealing with, auto accidents, her articles appearing on a range of sites.
